Note: We need to arrange them to fit the 5-week EVO format
- How to write for grants, funding, support
- Introductions - NNEST Interest Section and NNEST movement
- Graduate students and taking the first steps towards a professional life
- NNEST mentoring practices (confirmed)
Invited guest spseaker: Valeria Jakar, Ph.D.
Topic: the NNEST as mentor" - and what it means to be a. labeled and b. a successful mentor with NESTs and NNESTS
- NNEST Research: Where to begin? Where to go? Where to share?
- World Englishes and NNESTs
- The NNEST movement - Past, Present and Future
- Collaboration between NESTs and NNESTs for a better future (For Week 5?)
- Contextual opportunities, challenges in NNEST issues
- Collective Brainstorming (taken from Academic Session 2013)
What can WE be doing during and beyond the TESOL Convention?
What are some ways that WE can raise awareness about issues that concern NESTs/NNESTs?
How can WE create and sustain collaboration among NESTs/NNESTs?
How can WE build/implement sustainable practices to work against unprofessional, discriminatory treatments of NESTs/NNESTs in the process of hiring/at the workplace?
What can WE do to support NESTs/NNESTs professionally (Training, publications, conference presentations)?
- The Future of TESOL/The Future of NNEST IS (For Week 5?)
NOTE: PLEASE SEE for examples of past EVO sessions' Weekly outlines
Comments (3) said
at 10:55 pm on Sep 27, 2013
All - I am a little confused about how to proceed with this project. At this time, I have posted a couple of readings, read what others have posted, submitted a photograph and biographical information, and have submitted an abstract proposal. I have many ideas and some ideas about "guests" if any of those may be of use to others. If there is something I can do to support our preparation of this course, I am willing to do that. Thanks to all who have set up this project and the syllabus information I have received so far.
Aiden Yeh said
at 12:33 am on Sep 28, 2013
Thanks Liz. I have submitted the proposal already last sept 25. We'll wait for the feedback and further announcements for the EVO moderators' training. said
at 12:34 am on Sep 28, 2013
OK, thanks. Will wait to hear.
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