

Page history last edited by Nathanael Rudolph 11 years ago

Week 5     (Feb 10 -16, 2014)


During this week participants will

  • read selected articles on the assigned topic 
  • participate in a synchronous and asynchronous online discussion on the future of TESOL NNEST-IS
  • suggest practical ways to raise awareness about NNESTs/NNESs issues 
  • brainstorm ideas about members' roles during and beyond TESOL convention(s)
  • offer suggestions on building and implementing sustainable practices against  unprofessional, discriminatory treatments of NESTs/NNESTs in the process of hiring/at the workplace


Invited guest speaker: Nathanael Rudolph, Ph.D.

Topic: Constructing and Approaching Native Speakerism in Glocalized ELT


In this session, the speaker will present the idea that native speakerism is constructed glocally, in the interplay of localized and globalized discourses identity. This native speakerism seeks to dictate who learners and users of English might be or become in a given context. In turn, the discourses of native speakerism attempt to define the roles teachers (whether "native" or "non-native") can and/or should play in a given context, effectively creating and eliminating space for different individuals. With such in mind, the speaker will open discussion related to how native speakerism might be addressed in the workplace and via professional activities. Please feel free to contact me at: njrudolph132@gmail.com


Live session: Feb. 12, 2 pm GMT


Our readings can be found here:


NNEST Newsletter August 2013.pdf

Conceptualizing and Confronting Inequity- Historical Approaches in and New Directions for the N.doc

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